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Villa Ventura is a place in your mind that you have always wanted to explore. The wild beauty of animals in their native habitat. The serenity of pine trees towering overhead. Fragrances of wild wisteria, honeysuckle and rose fill the air...............................  Imagine a deep canyon traveling downward , ending in a current of clear life-giving water. You have just seen  an image of nature that has been restored in real life on this property. >>>>The location is in the Sierra foothills at the base of a " box canyon " . The canyon consists of seven ponds ranging from one and one half acres  to a small drainage  of one hundred feet. Fresh water is available to all the trees and animals from a series of wells plunging to depths of a thousand feet . Solar panels discretely hidden on the hillsides  supply all of the required energy . Two pastures of red clover and wild rye are a bonus food supplement for the  wildlife. Canadian geese,  Mallard and Wood ducks, Rio Grande and Merriams turkeys, Black tailed deer, mourning dove, California Quail, grey squirrel , Bobcats, Grey fox, migrating flocks of Robins, Blue birds, White-crowned sparrows and Blue jays thrive on the rich volcanic soils. Geologicaly, the sandstone hillsides burst with beautiful rock formations, including the child favorite " GRINCH " pictured on the front cover. . .........Ten years of hard work have re-created a vast wonderland of our native resources. The Venturas have a combined knowledge of twelve college years, with majors in Wildlife Management, Wildlife Law Enforcement and Marine Biology...... Their youngest daughter assists with the properties growing veterinary needs with a Doctorate degree from U. C . Davis. Projects continue year-round as there are always  new ideas coming from their progressive ecological minds. .....Raised in Santa Cruz their love for the ocean spills forth in their most recent creations. To raise money for the Wildlife Sanctuary, they have created  a limited edition of Wildlife art. Sea shells have been transformed into beautiful works of art in shapes of various flowers. Tumbled glass from decades ago ventures forth onto vintage duck decoys saturated with glossy epoxy resins from sap collected  each summer of  " Digger Pine trees ".  Ornate wreaths created with feathers donated by the resident turkey , green and albino peacocks population each molting season. To purchase these unique pieces please look on E Bay under wildlife art, decoys, shells, feather wreaths....... The Venturas are very respectful of natures' precious resources. Raising the birds in a huge [ sixty feet by 40 feet ] aviary, the chicks are raised to nine weeks old when they are released into the wild woodlots surrounding the property. Sponsors as California Waterfowl, Ducks Unlimited and the National Turkey Federation have assisted with assorted materials.... Hopefuly this Ecological legacy will continue with the public support from the sale of the Wildlife Art. . create, preserve and protect an ecological habitat for wildlife........................

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